Betekenis van:
calling into question

calling into question
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • a challenge to defend what someone has said




    1. It recalls having asked the Commission to confirm that the reorganisation plan did not imply any calling into question of the Commission’s analysis in its earlier decisions.
    2. Despite their seriousness, these shortcomings do not at present warrant calling into question the overall quality of the organisation’s main systems and control mechanisms.
    3. However, these shortcomings do not warrant calling into question the overall level of compliance of the Algerian systems regarding education, training and certification of seafarers with the STCW Convention;
    4. However, these shortcomings do not warrant calling into question the overall level of compliance of the Sri Lankan systems regarding maritime education, training and certification with the STCW Convention.
    5. The Ombudsman may also inform the Community institution or body concerned of the facts calling into question the conduct of a member of their staff from a disciplinary point of view.
    6. ‘significant risk’ means a combination of a probability of occurrence of damage and a magnitude of damage that cannot be disregarded without calling into question the purpose of this Directive for the storage site concerned;
    7. The Ombudsman may also inform the Community institution or body concerned of the facts calling into question the conduct of a member of their staff from a disciplinary point of view.’;
    8. However, these shortcomings do not warrant calling into question the overall level of compliance of the Israeli systems regarding education, training and certification of seafarers with the STCW Convention.
    9. At present, the degree of transparency varies from one energy source and one Member State or one Community region to another, thus calling into question the achievement of an internal energy market.
    10. It does not appear that these problems in the restructuring plan were apparent at the time of the granting of the aid and they do accordingly not justify calling into question the plan's ability to return Javor Pivka to viability.
    11. the exclusive supplying of the founders by the joint ventures; this agreement was ancillary to the formation of the joint ventures in so far as it could not be dissociated from the joint ventures without calling their existence into question;
    12. To that end, informing and consulting the European Works Council should make it possible for it to give an opinion to the undertaking in a timely fashion, without calling into question the ability of undertakings to adapt.
    13. The incorporation of these provisions into the Single CMO Regulation should follow the same approach as that taken for the adoption of the Single CMO Regulation, namely by not calling into question the policy decisions taken when those provisions were adopted by the Council or the motivation for those policy decisions as expressed in the relevant recitals of the respective Regulations.
    14. Council Regulation (EC) No 361/2008 has integrated into Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007, with effect from 1 July 2008, the provisions of Council Regulation (EC) No 1182/2007, which lays down specific rules as regards the fruit and vegetable sector, without calling into question the underlying policy choices.
    15. The memorandum of understanding (Section III.5) includes a right to sell SNCM which may be exercised concurrently by the purchasers should one of the following events occur inasmuch as they have the effect of calling into question the credibility of their business plan and the viability of the company: